L2Net es un software que actúa como un robot, es decir, este programa puede manejar nuestro personaje dentro del juego de forma automática y sin que nosotros le digamos qué tiene que hacer en todo momento. Esto se consigue a través de configuraciones previas y a veces, con la ayuda de scripts (código de programación).
Es una aplicación no permitida es la mayoría de los servidores, pero hay gente que lo utiliza para simplemente loguear los buffers en un PC donde los recursos no son lo suficientes para tener 2 clientes completos abiertos. Hacer esto último tampoco está permitido, pero L2Net cuenta cada vez con más y más sistemas de protección ante las barreras de los servers para no ser detectados.
¿Qué programas necesito?
- L2Net v386
- NET Framework 4
- DirectX Installer y DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
1. L2Net
Es el programa principal y consta de 3 archivos claves: L2Net, Datapack y MapPack. La versión más actualida hasta la fecha es la v388.
** Son subidas exclusivas de L2Farm **
L2Net: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JIZHFTN Actualizado v388
Datapack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PTI4DI1J Actualizado v387
MapPack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H0H9UO7R
2. NET Framework 4
Esta aplicación es cada vez más necesaria en todos los programas y podemos conseguirla desde la página oficial de Microsoft.
NET Framework 4
3.Direct X Installer
Esta utilidad también la podemos descargar desde la página oficial de Microsoft.
Direct X Installer
También es necesaria la actualización correspondiente a Junio del 2010, disponible aquí: [[DirectX Actualización]]
Añadimos nueva opción de instalación. Se trata de un Installer que descarga e instala todo el contenido de forma automática. Tiene un sistema muy sencillo:
1. Descargamos el [[Instalador]]
2. Elegimos ruta de instalación y empezará la descarga automática. Durante el proceso de instalación, comprobará las versiones de Directx y Net Framework instaladas y si no las tienes, te las descarga también.
3. Ejecutamos desde el acceso directo del escritorio, el icono del Pikachu.
4.Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
Para la nueva versión es necesario descargar las librerías de MV 2010, que encontrarás aquí: [[Librerías]]
En este apartado irán posteadas todas las novedades de las nuevas versiones del L2Net.
v385. Con mapas en Alta definición y nuevo L2Net con muchas mejoras, tanto en corrección de bugs como en nuevo motor de desarrollo y más rapidez a la hora de ejecutarlo. También cabe decir que el staff de L2Farm ha colaborado en la traducción al Español de esta nueva versión.
Lista de mejoras:
v386. Versión adaptada para la nueva crónica Freya, corrección de bugs y problemas de la versión anterior y nuevas opciones de seguridad, entre otras muchas cosas.
Lista de mejoras:
v387 y v388.
Cualquier problema con los links, reportadlos aquí: Links caídos
Es una aplicación no permitida es la mayoría de los servidores, pero hay gente que lo utiliza para simplemente loguear los buffers en un PC donde los recursos no son lo suficientes para tener 2 clientes completos abiertos. Hacer esto último tampoco está permitido, pero L2Net cuenta cada vez con más y más sistemas de protección ante las barreras de los servers para no ser detectados.
¿Qué programas necesito?
- L2Net v386
- NET Framework 4
- DirectX Installer y DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
1. L2Net
Es el programa principal y consta de 3 archivos claves: L2Net, Datapack y MapPack. La versión más actualida hasta la fecha es la v388.
** Son subidas exclusivas de L2Farm **
L2Net: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JIZHFTN Actualizado v388
Datapack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PTI4DI1J Actualizado v387
MapPack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H0H9UO7R
2. NET Framework 4
Esta aplicación es cada vez más necesaria en todos los programas y podemos conseguirla desde la página oficial de Microsoft.
NET Framework 4
3.Direct X Installer
Esta utilidad también la podemos descargar desde la página oficial de Microsoft.
Direct X Installer
También es necesaria la actualización correspondiente a Junio del 2010, disponible aquí: [[DirectX Actualización]]
Añadimos nueva opción de instalación. Se trata de un Installer que descarga e instala todo el contenido de forma automática. Tiene un sistema muy sencillo:
1. Descargamos el [[Instalador]]
2. Elegimos ruta de instalación y empezará la descarga automática. Durante el proceso de instalación, comprobará las versiones de Directx y Net Framework instaladas y si no las tienes, te las descarga también.
3. Ejecutamos desde el acceso directo del escritorio, el icono del Pikachu.
4.Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
Para la nueva versión es necesario descargar las librerías de MV 2010, que encontrarás aquí: [[Librerías]]
En este apartado irán posteadas todas las novedades de las nuevas versiones del L2Net.
v385. Con mapas en Alta definición y nuevo L2Net con muchas mejoras, tanto en corrección de bugs como en nuevo motor de desarrollo y más rapidez a la hora de ejecutarlo. También cabe decir que el staff de L2Farm ha colaborado en la traducción al Español de esta nueva versión.
Lista de mejoras:
- Spoiler:
updated process encryption
updated French language (ty you!)
updated Spanish language (ty Lyara!)
updated Portuguese BR language (ty cDDDe!)
added Bulgarian language (ty freeze!)
changed default application priorty to Above Normal
tweaked thread priorities to reduce network and script lag
improved script = support for accuracy when casting variables between types
using DELETE on a THREAD variable will now stop the thread from executing and remove it from memory
removed ability to target invisible npcs via the map
added support for dynamic variables prefaced with 0x to cast from hex to decimal
massive revamp of objects to decrease line count, decrease code complexity, increase performance
tweaked npc ghost cleanup code
changed FILEWRITER, FILEWRITER_APPEND and FILEREADER to only open files as L2.Net\Scripts\Files\passed_realative_file_path
fixed packetex id obfuscation
added support for encrypted scripts
refactored datafile loading to decrease load times by 15%
Fix: Maxlenght changed to 64 in server ip textboxes to support longer addresses.
Add: Map Z-Range and Zoom-level is now saved to and loaded from interface.txt.
Fix: You no longer get autobanned on l2divinity and servers with similar protection. Credits to obce for analyzing the packets.
Fix: Trade now supports 64bit integers.
Add: /trade now makes the trade window pop up.
Fix: "ERROR: Packet Error: 1C Previous Packet: 62 : Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when trading
Fix: Stuck-check and blacklist no longer triggers when char is dead.
Fix: Mobs attacking you is now removed from the blacklist automatically.
Fix: Char no longer attacks party members.
Fix: Mobs in the do-not list attacking you is now getting targeted and killed.
Add: Radiobuttons for inventory (Items, Equipped, Quest)
Fix: Type2 set incorrectly when loading inventory
Add: Support for ports in loginlist.txt. Format: IP:Port or IP Port. For example or 1231
Add: "Clear Options" button in bot options.
Add: Support for FE:33 - ExSetCompassZoneCode
Add: Script command GET_ZONE. Usage: GET_ZONE variable.
Add: Support for OOG Private store!
Fix: /Vendor no longer causes the client to crash
Add: Ignore Summons checkbox, credits to Inxile for finding all the IDs
Add: -ew & -enterworld commandline switch
Fix: War state+++ in CT 2.4 servers
Fix: Party stuff in CT 2.3 servers
Add: Stuck check now checks for "cannot see target" system message.
Fix: Heal/Buff-range now loaded correctly.
Fix: Stuck-check only triggers if we got a target.
Fix: PRINT_TEXT messages changed to only show up in the "All" and "Bot" tab
Change: "Move before attack" changed to "Move Smart Before Attack"
Add: "Move Before Attack" checkbox, this will use normal movement instead of move smart.
Overall bot performance has greatly increased with this build. Startup time is down, script speed is up, bot performance is up, thread contention is down. Also, a new jingjing IDE by escabuchen is included to replace the old crappy IDE. And of course... many many many improvements by Oddi.
Line Count: 71068
v386. Versión adaptada para la nueva crónica Freya, corrección de bugs y problemas de la versión anterior y nuevas opciones de seguridad, entre otras muchas cosas.
Lista de mejoras:
- Spoiler:
- Slothmo:
updated exe to require .Net 4.0
tweaked process encryption
changed netping to accept invalid id values (l2ex.pl)
refactored datafile loading to further decrease load times
improved script engine performance when accessing variables
improved bot option screen opening performance
added item traits: Bleeding, Poisoned, Iced, Shackled, Feared, Stunned, Slept, Muted, Rooted, Paralyzed, Petrified, Ultimate Defense
added script command: GeneratePoly [double radius] [int sides] [double offset]
setup window now set to topmost (can't be hidden behind other windows)
Add: Support for OOG security card on private servers.
Update: Anti-KS logic updated.
Add: Mobs attacking party members are now automatically removed from blacklist.
Update: Tweak unstuck code, blacklist made more aggressive.
Fix: Armor icons not showing up correctly.
Add: Advanced tab in botoptions.
Add: More stuff saved to the config file.
Add: "Pick Only" and "Attack Only" in donot tab
Add: Freya buttons
Fix: inventory list in Freya
Change: Default ip changed to new NA official ip
Add: Logon window now pops up automatically when starting l2net
Fix: Freya EX Packets and enterworld (thanks d00d)
Change: Server dump text is now showed in yellow and client dump in orange.
Change: Default protocol changed to 216 to support freya.
Add: Valid product key feature: Support for servers with unknown blowfish (Alpha)
Add: Support for unknown blowfish on servers that share the login and gameserver IP.
Add: Botoptions -> Advanced -> Custom Window Title
Add: Auto invite to party. Format supported: Name1,Name2,Name3 or Name1;Name2;Name3
Fix: Blacklisted mobs no longer getting targetted when "attack only" is active.
Add: Custom window title, Party loot type & Attack/Pick only items in list is now saved to the bot options.
Add: Valid product key feature: Ability to set gamekey manually (l2dc)
Change: "failed to load saved enterworld packet" removed to avoid incorrect bug reports. All this error message means is that enterworld.txt used for "custom enterworld packet" is missing or contains invalid data.
Add: Freya OOG login stuff.
Add: More login packets (OOG) fixed
Updated Code/Data/Packs/Other Players/CharInfo.cs to work with Retail Freya
v387 y v388.
- Spoiler:
- This build has a metric ass ton of changes, improvements and fixes in it.
The map is now drawn using SlimDX instead of Managed DirectX. The result is a much faster drawn map using .Net 4.0 runtimes as opposed to the old .Net 1.1 runtimes used by Managed DirectX. Please note, some testers have reported issues with "minimize to tray". I have not yet been able to reproduce these errors... so if you encounter them... you might want to disable "minizmie to tray".
There is a new script parser for handling "=", IF, WHILE, and LOOP. This new parser requires spaces around every parenthesis. This new parser also ignore order of operations so please force the order you need with liberal usage of parenthesis. I realize there are many many scripts that will not satisfy this new requirement. As such, there is a script engine v386 compatibility mode you can set in the setup window. Please note that this mode should work with most scripts, but may not work with all.
Changes made to the script engine have increased performance by about 22% in my tests.
d00d has added a significant number of binary and unary operators to the new "=" parser. This should greatly simplify the whole scripting process. I'll post his change list... but I'm going to leave explaining how to use it all to him.
And of course, plenty of bug fixes and new features from Oddi
Both Oddi and d00d have put an ass ton of work into making L2.Net better, more advanced and easier to use for all.
Oh and, congrats to tortur! He won the v387 splash contest and will be receiving his keys shortly
new splash from tortur - congrats :)
new v387 datapack
switched from ManagedDX to SlimDX (l2net.exe.config no longer needed)
added file missing error handling on datapack loading
small optimization to decryption code
added error handling to keyboard device creation
new evaluator for = and IF/WHILE/LOOP conditions
type of INT/DOUBLE/STRING is maintained when assigned with value of different type (casting is performed)
fixed bug with parsing built in class operators and " "
fixed bug with evaluator not returning values of TRUE or FALSE with unary operators
changed ArrayList and SortedList views in Debugger to show keys/indexes rather than variable names (expanding the leaf shows the name)
added script compatibility mode with v386
fixed error displaying sorted lists returned from GET_* functions in the script debugger
changed script class variable storage to sortedlist from arraylist to reduce access time and improve performance with class objects
script class member variable names automatically converted to uppercase
script file cached function,sub,label lists changed from arraylist to sortedlist for performance
Fix: Freya charlist.
Add: Script commands:
(Fix: Everything in bot options made translatable)
Change: Load now displayed as %
Fix: Autospoil no longer causes auto-unstuck not to work
Fix: Nullpointer exception
Fix: Unknown blowfish now works for servers with non-standard gameserver port.
Add: Login->Advanced: Combobox for gameservers stored in gslist.txt. Format: Same as loginlist.txt.
Fix: Summon packet is now processed correctly
Fix: Summons are no longer getting targeted by the autofighter.
Fix: Bug when loading botoptions-files with blank window title.
Update: Autofighter improved.
Add: Hero tab in text window.
Add: ExQuestItemList = 0xC5
Fix: Quest items not showing up in inventory on Freya servers
d00d (most of these requires a valid key):
Updates to Player_Info (packet structure and HasExtendedEffect bool)
Updates to CharInfo (packet structure and HasExtendedEffect bool)
Updates to NpcInfo (packet structure and HasExtendedEffect bool)
Updates to GlobalData ExtendedEffects
Updates to Script_Evaluate.cs (IS_STIGMAED unary op test)
Added the following unary operators
* IS_AFRAID (Heroic Dread / Antharas Fear / Valakas Fear)
* IS_FLOATING_ROOT (Frintezza Paralyze)
* IS_DANCE_STUNNED (Frintezza Raid Stun)
* IS_FIREROOT_STUN (Valakas Burning Stun)
* IS_SOE (target is using soe or /unstuck)
* IS_EARTHQUAKE (IoP screen shake)
* IS_INVULNERABLE (Ultimate defense effects / anti magic armor)
* IS_REGEN_VITALITY (Vitality Potion / Birthday buff)
* IS_TERRIFIED (Curse Fear / Mass Fear / Sword Symphony)
* IS_INVINCIBLE (Celestial Effects)
* IS_FREEZING (Freya Raid Freeze attack)
* IS_DISABLED (combination check if not fear/stun/sleep/para/petrified/frint para/frint stun/valakas stun/antharas stun/afraid/freya stun)
* IS_WALKING (slothmo already had IS_RUNNING for something else :/)
* IS_CLANMEMBER (is the id in a clan not necessarily yours)
* IS_CLANMATE (is the id in your clan)
* IS_INALLY (is the id in an alliance not necessarily yours)
* IS_ALLYMEMBER (is the id in your alliance)
* IS_TWAR (participating in a territory war)
AddInfo.cs - public static void Set_Relation(uint id, int relation)
AddInfo.cs - Extended ADD Npcinfo
GameData.cs - public enum RelationStates : uint
CharInfo.cs - public bool HasRelation(RelationStates test)
CharInfo.cs - Extended Copy
New Binary operators:
New JingJing globals:
* SERVER_KEY (obfuscation key)
New Binary operator:
* IN_RANGE - returns true of ID is within N distance of the character
New JingJing global:
* NOW (returns the current time in ticks - implicit int)
* Added PartySpelled/Add_PartyBuff packet handlers
New function:
* GET_EFFECTS SortedList "<&OBJECT_ID&>"
Returns a list of effects on a player or party member.
Requires new Effect.l2c
* Added preliminary support for in game time via new global GAME_TIME and LOGIN_TIME.
When a character logs in the server sets their clock via CharSelected. From there we need to keep
track of the difference. (experimental)
* Added Global Variable ZONE (Globals.gamedata.cur_zone)
* Added USE_SKILL_SMART (experimental use_skill with auto sense delay and interrupt)
* Added IS_RESISTED binary operator
* Fix for IN_RANGE
* Added .EFFECT_TIME for GET_EFFECTS initialized sortedlists
* Added CANCEL_BUFF command / RequestDispel Packet injector / Freya Client pkt update
* Added global CHAR_CLAN, CHAR_ALLY
* Added many item id globals for equipped items on character.
* Added GROUP_HP / GROUP_MP / GROUP CP binary operators
Line Count: 79150
This version contains over 10k lines of new code! (compared to v386)
A bunch of little fixes. If you were having issues with errors, scripts or the map in v387... I highly suggest you upgrade.
updated jingjing StdLib scripts
splash cleaned up by tortur
map streams are now released after no use for 5min (allows fast resizing... but saves memory later)
map textures are now released after no use for 60min (eventually prevents memory bloat when porting a lot)
map is no longer drawn when the client is minimized
small optimization of datafile loading
listview sorters changed to insertion sort (faster and still stable)
improved map texture rendering
improved handling of loading the same file multiple times
added file list and class list to script debugger
fixed EFFECTS in Get_Party
added option in setup to disable gpu acceleration
Fix: GG reply length made dynamic in GG.txt
Fix: "Packet Error: F4 :: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when in a party with someone far away.
Add: Support for ExVitalityUpdate = 0xA0
Add: Vitality is now displayed next to XP bar
fix for IS_INVISIBLE unary operator
Line Count: 79433
Cualquier problema con los links, reportadlos aquí: Links caídos
Última edición por L2Farm el Mar Jul 13, 2010 10:59 pm, editado 5 veces